AI Teammates: Delegation is the new automation

Amit Eyal Govrin


May 28, 2024

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Kubiya is days away from releasing a new form factor of human-to-machine interaction. The future of business will hinge on a complementary relationship between humans and AI, acting as a significant force multiplier.

  1. Why automate when you can delegate to a trusted Teammate. Naturally interact, instruct and problem solve your daily tasks as you would with any savvy engineer available to you 24/7
  2. Context is essential for automating operations; identity, security, infrastructure, and knowledge-aware AI teammates ensure tribal knowledge endures beyond organizational changes
  3. Harness extensible infrastructure, limitless tools, and skills with enterprise-grade security integrated into every command to control, orchestrate, and elevate your team’s operations seamlessly, eliminating unnecessary toil.

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